Monday, November 14, 2011

Lab 6 DEM in ArcGIS

         In this lab, I picked a place in Utah near Salt Lake City to be my selected area for this project of digital elevation models or DEMs. It is somewhere near the Wasatch National Forest which is also next to the Strawberry reservoir and Solider Creek Recreational Area. There is a freeway nearby .And it is basically middle of nowhere. I choose this area because it is a more rural area with more ups and downs and I would love to explore places like this since I love to be around the nature. The Wasatch Range is a mountains range that go across Utah and Idaho. It is considered as the western edge of the greater Rocky Mountains.Different colors from the slope map shows the degree of the slopes and the directions of that the slope is facing are also shown in the aspect map.
The Extent Information
top: 40.1802778degrees, 
left: -111.042778 degrees, 
right: -110.539444degrees,
 bottom: 39.926111degrees

Geographic Coordinate System:
GCS North American 1983

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